Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why hasn't my home sold?

The real estate market in California leaves something to be desired, what with short sales and foreclosures and many more homes on the market than buyers for these homes.
We see news everyday reinforcing the fact that right now is not a good time to sell you home. Unfortunately, some people out there have no choice. So their home is on the market.
They want to sell, they need to sell, they know there are many many homes competing with theirs for the few buyers that may be out there. With all the information before them everyday, why is it that these people invariably price their homes too high and then cannot figure out why their homes haven't sold.
I guess the saying holds true... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
You can advise these sellers of the market conditions. You can show them statistics about proper pricing. You council them on how important the condition of their home is to the potential buyers out there. And after all this they still don't understand the bottom line.
PRICE LOCATION AND CONDITION. If you don't have all three you don't have a sale. Even when one of the three is out of whack you can forget a sale. The buyers know they have many choices and if your home isn't perfect, they'll find one that is.

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